Editorial Policy

iPhoneAdvice.com Editorial Policy

At iPhoneAdvice.com, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information about iPhone’s common issues, their features, usage guides, and related products/accessories. Our editorial policy is designed to ensure that our content meets the highest standards of quality, transparency, and expertise, while adhering to Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) requirements. This policy outlines the principles and guidelines that guide our content creation and review process.

Expertise and Authority:

Editorial Team: Our editorial team is composed of experienced individuals who are passionate about iPhones and Technology. The team members include:

  • Founder/Editor: Roy Vicks – Content Moderator / Tech Enthusiast / Certified iPhone Repairing Expert since 8 Years
  • Co-Founder/Chief Editor: Hanz Sharry – iPhone Expert having 10 years of iPhone Troubleshooting Experience.
  • Apple Certified iPhone Troubleshooting Expert: Max Billy Certified iPhone Repairing Expert / iPhone Trouble Shooter, iPhone Lab In-charge

Each member of our team has a strong background in technology, particularly iPhones, and continuously stays updated with the latest trends and developments in the field.

Content Creation:

All content published on our website is thoroughly researched and written by experts in the relevant field. Our team follows a meticulous process to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented. We reference official Apple documentation, reputable sources, and expert opinions to provide well-informed content.

Transparency and Attribution:

Sources and Citations:

We are committed to citing credible sources for the information presented in our content. Proper attribution and references are provided for statistics, facts, and expert opinions to maintain transparency and credibility.

Author Biographies:

Each article published on our website includes a brief author biography that highlights the author’s expertise and credentials in the subject matter. This ensures transparency and helps readers understand the background of the writer.

Content Review and Accuracy:

Review Process:

Before any content is published, it undergoes a thorough review process led by our editorial team. This process includes fact-checking, reviewing sources, verifying accuracy, and ensuring that the content aligns with our editorial standards.

Updates and Corrections:

If any inaccuracies or errors are identified in our published content, we promptly correct or update the information to maintain accuracy and reliability.

Product Reviews:

Reviewer Expertise:

Product reviews are conducted by our dedicated Product Reviewer, Elissa Roy. Elissa possesses a deep understanding of iPhones and related products. Her reviews are based on hands-on experience, comprehensive testing, and comparison with similar products in the market.

Objectivity and Honesty:

Our product reviews are unbiased and impartial. We do not accept payment or incentives in exchange for positive reviews. Our goal is to provide our readers with honest assessments to help them make informed purchasing decisions.

Sponsored Content and Advertising:

Distinction from Editorial Content:

Sponsored content and advertisements are clearly labeled and distinguished from our editorial content. We ensure that readers can easily differentiate between sponsored material and our independent editorial content.

Editorial Independence:

Sponsorship or advertising agreements do not influence our editorial team’s content creation, opinions, or reviews. Our commitment to accuracy, transparency, and expertise remains unwavering.

User Privacy and Data:

Data Collection:

We respect user privacy and adhere to relevant data protection regulations. Any data collected from users, such as comments or subscriptions, is handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Editorial Integrity:

User feedback and comments are welcome on our articles; however, they do not influence the editorial content or review process.


Our Editorial Policy embodies our dedication to providing valuable and reliable information to our readers. By following Google’s E-A-T principles, we ensure that our content maintains the highest standards of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. We continuously strive to deliver accurate, well-researched, and transparent content that serves as a comprehensive guide for all iPhone enthusiasts.